Posts in Everyday insight
Balloon Out Love

In Galveston, I had a quirky tour guide with flowing blonde hair and sunglasses at night. He was off topic more than he was on and I didn’t mind. I was along for the ride, listening to his stories until the last stop. “Valentines Day: every woman’s favorite holiday. Am I right, men?” He elaborated on how women like to feel loved “yadda yadda yadda.” I don’t remember; I’d stopped listening. His glance returned to me, expecting more smiles and nodding. I shot him a stone face. He corrected, “Well maybe not all women.”

I wanted to jump in and explain that Valentine’s IS one of my favorite holidays, but not for the reasons you assume, Sir! I wanted to tell him the story about my dad and the balloons!

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Stay in Your Lane

During my last workout of the year, the swimmer in the lane next to me frogged his legs out and almost kicked me a few times. It’s par for the course, but once or twice his hands skimmed my torso.

It startled me, if I’m honest—I felt a bit violated. “STAY IN YOUR LANE!” I yelled under the water.

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Seeking Sebastian by Author Susan Johnston Taylor

As we ambled along Newport, Rhode Island's Cliff Walk, soaking in the coastal breezes, my then-boyfriend (now husband) Steve announced, "someday we're going to bring little Sebastian here."

"Who's little Sebastian?" I asked.

"The dog we're going to get," he said matter-of-factly. 

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Plane Crackers

I can’t finish these crackers. Seconds earlier, it was a different story. “Cream cheese and Ritz, TOGETHER IN A CRACKER?” I commented to the flight attendant. I was already planning to ring my “call button” for a couple extras. But I’m a bit in and the saltiness is a little overwhelming. I'd rather eat packs of peanuts than feel a tummy ache.

I look at this pack of crackers and don’t want to waste them. Honestly, I feel guilty. The bonus about planes is the time they give time me to think. I take a moment.

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Falling Together by Author Debbie Zapata

I am sitting on the dock next to the lake. It is a place of solace during my darkest moments. My best friend since childhood sits quietly nearby. I can’t do this alone. It’s only been three months since my dad’s death. It’s his birthday—the first one without him here.

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The Moment by Author Gloria Amescua

This summer, my boyfriend and I joined two other couples for a river cruise down the Danube. I was thrilled to visit parts of Germany, Austria and Hungary, places I’d never been before—places I never dreamed of when young. I was in awe of the lush green landscape, old castles, colorful small towns, and bustling cities. The most significant moment though, happened in our touring clothes: he in his awful gym sweat shorts and hiking boots, and me in tennis shoes and nothing special.

The moment I’ll always remember didn’t happen during our whirlwind tours through Nuremberg, Regensburg, Passau, Krems, Vienna, and Budapest...

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