Posts tagged small moments
Millions of Moments

I hope you will forgive me when I break format for this post. I can’t provide a SINGLE circumstance in this piece because this dream come true for me was built on what feels like a million moments.

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Plane Crackers

I can’t finish these crackers. Seconds earlier, it was a different story. “Cream cheese and Ritz, TOGETHER IN A CRACKER?” I commented to the flight attendant. I was already planning to ring my “call button” for a couple extras. But I’m a bit in and the saltiness is a little overwhelming. I'd rather eat packs of peanuts than feel a tummy ache.

I look at this pack of crackers and don’t want to waste them. Honestly, I feel guilty. The bonus about planes is the time they give time me to think. I take a moment.

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Falling Together by Author Debbie Zapata

I am sitting on the dock next to the lake. It is a place of solace during my darkest moments. My best friend since childhood sits quietly nearby. I can’t do this alone. It’s only been three months since my dad’s death. It’s his birthday—the first one without him here.

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Rush Parking

I was running late for work. In accordance with parking-late-law, that meant zero convenient spots. Up in the heights of the garage my green beetle climbed. Around each turn…Oh is that a spot? SMART CARS, you tease! Jumbo SUVs were in the compact car spots. I imagined they were embarrassed, jammed in and refusing eye contact. Ultimately, the Nissans and the Elements kept Forrest Gumping me— “this spot’s taken.”

I should have arrived earlier.  You do this to yourself, Rebekah.My negative voice takes a microphone when I’m already frustrated. I got to the highest point in the parking garage and thought, Great. Outside and its raining. No wonder. I pulled in and grabbed my things. Just as I closed the car door, I looked up!

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